Our Rooms

In the baby room department, children are able to experience a range of activities from body painting and baking, to soft play and outdoor fun.
Your children will enjoy the many different musical and sensory experiences in our baby room. Our enthusiastic staff team love to encourage all children to join in with group activities and try new games. We are sensitive and respect that young babies and pre-toddlers have their own routines, so we base care plans around their individual needs, and we try to follow any routines that you have established at home.
Young babies and pre-toddlers have designated areas for exploration and learning. We provide them with stimulating choices of experiences and activities, based on their individual needs and abilities, to promote their well-being and development.

The big room is our preschool room, where your children’s learning will be extended through an emphasis on the environment, indoors and out. Our knowledgeable staff team can support your children to enjoy and achieve, with planned experiences that follow your children’s interests.
Whether in the busy ‘small world area’ or the relaxing ‘cosy corner’, your children can build up those all-important secure relationships by sharing a story with their key person or a game with their peers.
Your little ones will have fun getting messy in the creative area with weekly cooking sessions and daily art experiences. We aim to support all children to be self-assured. In the role play corner, children have the chance to dress up and play-act. To continue the learning at home, each week your child will receive a link book with information about the topic and letters/sounds/numbers taught that week at nursery.